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Author: Ruth Burrows


We are pleased to announce that sufficnet donations have now been received for the new Please see the new notice in Community – regarding funding for the new defibrillator unit.

Re-opening of the Playing Field

The Parish Council is pleased to advise that the Playing Field will be re-opened on Saturday 25 July with additional signage and notices.  Please would all parents of children who go into the playing field unaccompanied by an adult please read the following notice which is displayed on the entrance gate.

Scientific advice suggests that the COVID-19 virus can survive for several days on some hard surfaces.  The risks are reduced when outdoors, where surfaces may be subject to UV light and/or rain.  Whilst all possible practical measures have been put in place the user of this equipment does so at their own choice and risk. This equipment is checked regularly for damage, wear and tear, but is not sanitised or disinfected.

Parents must read this guidance and ensure their families follow it carefully for the safety of their children and others.

Do not enter this play area if you or any member of your household has coronavirus symptoms, or are self-isolating.

  • People MUST ensure they are social distancing. If this is not possible because the play area is busy or certain equipment is being used by others, please wait or visit another day.
  • Please try to only have one parent, guardian or carer with each child to limit the possible spread of infection
  • Be patient and be kind to each other
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitiser before and after visiting the play area
  • People should consider wiping or cleansing equipment before use
  • Consider using a face covering. Government guidance states they are not to be used by children under the age of three
  • Encourage children to avoid touching their faces
  • Consumption of food and drink within play areas is not permitted
  • If your family is wearing disposable PPE, please take it home with you or where provided use the bins – DO NOT LITTER.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly when you get home

We hope you enjoy using this play area and thank you for helping to keep everyone safe by following these simple instructions.