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Police and Crime Commissioner Election

On Thursday the 2nd of May 2024 there will be an election for the Police and Crime Commissioner for the Wiltshire police authority area, The police authority area includes Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council.

If you are not registered to vote you can register online at GOV.UK Register to vote(opens new window).

You do not need to register again if you have already done so. If you recently moved house or changed your name you should complete a new application.

Deadline for registering to vote – 16th April, Midnight

Deadline for postal vote – 17th April, 5pm

Deadline for proxy vote – 24th April, 5pm

Deadline to apply for voter authority certificate (if you have no photo ID) – 24th April, Midnight

Polling Day is the 2nd May form 7am until 10pm

Your Polling Station is The Home Guard Club, Kilmington Common.

If you would like more information please click here




28 March 2024

Ruth Burrows, Parish Clerk

Worried about the cost of going to University? – BURSARY GRANTS AVAILABLE

Worried about the cost of going to University?

Wiltshire Community Foundation offers grants to young people in Wiltshire and Swindon who need support with the costs of studying an undergraduate degree at university. The One Degree More bursary is £1,600 for each year of the course to help with general living expenses, course costs, books and equipment. We are now open for applications for those stating university this year.

Who is eligible to apply – young people can apply for a university bursary if they:

  • are under 24 years old
  • have lived in Wiltshire or Swindon for at least 2 years
  • parents or guardians receive 2 means-tested benefits (2 elements of Universal Credit)
  • eligible for funding through Student Finance England
  • studying for first undergraduate degree at a UK university or college


  • are a young person in the care of Wiltshire or Swindon Borough Council (LAC)

Applications close on 5 April 2024. Apply today by visiting:

University Bursary 2024

Celebrating Age Wiltshire – Event at the Nadder Centre, Tisbury – Tuesday 12 December 1.30 – 3.30 pm

Celebrate Christmas with the Salisbury Big Band.

All pension age residents of Kilmington Parish are invited to attend this event at the Nadder Centre, Tisbury.

It is a free event but booking is required – please phone Karen Linaker on 01722 434697 (full details on attached notice link below)…/Salisbury-Big-Band-Christmas-Party-12-Dec-23.pdf

If you would like to attend but have no transport it might be possible to arrange this – again please contact Karen Linaker.



The Wiltshire Home Guard Living History group will be visiting the Home Guard Club on


in time to observe the two minutes silence at 11.00 am.

Free coffee, tea and cakes will be available for all members and residents of Kilmington from 10.00 am

The group will be giving a talk for around 30 minutes and there will be a display of Homeguard uniforms and memorabilia in the club house.

The bar will open from 12 noon and then it will remain open into the evening.

The Home Guard Club will be placing a Poppy Wreath at the Kilmington Memorial on Sunday 12 November at 11.00 am and all are welcome to be present for this.



In Wiltshire last year, the Link Schemes made 26,249 health related journeys and completed 34,125 good neighbour tasks which include collecting prescriptions and shopping.

New volunteers are desperately needed to keep this vital service in Wiltshire going.

If you think you can help please call 01380 722241 – Community First who are co-ordinating the recruitment of new volunteers.

Also see the attached notice.  Link Volunteers A5 Flyer